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Join Our Liturgical Ministries!

Altar Servers

Altar Servers are a very important part of the church and the Sacred Heart community is blessed with many young people who serve. It is a great way for our youth to be actively involved in the liturgy. When we do something for God’s people, we give worship and honor to God. Altar serving is open to those who have made the Sacrament of First Holy Communion and in 3rd grade or above.

If you are interested in becoming an Altar Server at Sacred Heart, please contact the parish office at 561-582-4736.

Extraordinary Ministries of Holy Communion

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are Catholic lay members of the parish who are trained to distribute Holy Communion, both the Holy Body and Blood, to the faithful at Mass when needed. They are also called upon to bring the Sacrament to those Catholics who are home bound and cannot get to Mass. This is a very special ministry that serves a vital need to the parish.

If you are interested in becoming an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion at Sacred Heart, please contact the parish office at 561-582-4736.


The Ministry of Lectors and Commentators invites all Catholic adults in the parish of Sacred Heart to read the liturgical selections of the Mass to the gathered congregation. Being a Lector and Commentator is a great way to deepen your appreciation of Sacred Scripture, and assist your fellow parishioners at Mass to clearly and prayerfully hear the Word of God. Lectors are needed for daily Mass, as well as at every Saturday and Sunday Mass. Reading the Word of God to the Faithful is an extremely rewarding way to serve the parish.

If you are interested in becoming a Lector at Sacred Heart, please contact the parish office at 561-582-4736.

Sacristan Ministry

Sacristans are parishioners who have had experience in one or more of our liturgical ministries such as Lector, Eucharistic Ministers or Altar Society. This ministry also welcomes new members at any time and is open to parishioners who have the desire to learn more about the Mass and the preparation of our liturgical celebrations.

Since most of the tasks take place in the Sacristy, this is a “behind the scenes” ministry. Sacristans support the presider and other liturgical ministers in the preparation for the celebration of the Eucharist. They carefully arrange the liturgical books and sacred vessels for each Mass and interact with the lectors and ministers of Holy Communion as needed at each liturgy.

The ministry of sacristan requires on-going formation so that the sacristans can assist our priests, other liturgical ministers and our worshiping community with a sense of grace and reverence at weekend and daily Masses.

If you are interested in becoming a Sacristan at Sacred Heart, please call the parish office at 561-582-4736.

Hospitality Ministry

The Hospitality Ministry consists of Greeters and Ushers As a Minister of Hospitality, you play a key role in how others see and experience Christ. You truly become the face and hands of Christ, opening His home to all those who enter. The Greeters create a welcoming atmosphere at the entrances of the church. Offering a smile and a word of welcome can have a profound impact on people as they arrive, especially if they are visitors to Sacred Heart. Our worship will only be truly hospitable when everyone who gathers for liturgy reaches out to those around them with the love of Christ. The Usher helps facilitate at Mass. They are responsible for the collection, seeking parishioners who will bring forth the Gifts during the Offertory, help seat parishioners, and distribute bulletins after Mass.

If you are interested in becoming a Greeter or Usher at Sacred Heart, please contact the parish office at 561-582-4736.

Music Ministry

The Music Ministry is a vital part of the celebration of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and is a symbol of unity in our parish family.  We are ministers who share the faith and who serve the community, expressing the love of God through music. Music deepens and intensifies our experience of liturgical prayer.  We experience spiritual growth and commitment to our faith.

The Music Ministry participates at Sunday Mass, Holy Days of Obligation, and other services and events throughout the year.

Choir practices are held on Wednesday from 6:00 PM-7:00 PM.

If you are interested in joining the Sacred Heart Music Ministry, please contact our parish’s Director of Music Ministry, Les Blachut at 561-582-4736.



Children’ Choir

The Children’s Choir is for all children of our Parish and the students attending our school in second through eighth grade.

The children’s choir sings at the 9:00 AM Mass every Sunday.

If you are interested in having your child join the Sacred Heart Children’s Choir, please contact our parish’s Director of Music Ministry, Les Blachut at 561-582-4736.